What you seek - you already have...you just need to open it


There are always pivotal moments in our lives that occur; guiding us to the next transition or transitions in life. Or sometimes, we’re searching for that next thing and as humans, evolution is a natural thing; a stage in growth; a stage in development; a season in time.

August seems to be the month of reflection for me. I think it may be because it’s the last month before my birthday month (September) - which means a new year is about to start - I guess you can call it my own personal fiscal year. I often find myself in a different country in August during this reflection time. At the time of this writing, I’m currently in Paris, France - spending a few days with my bestfriend.

You all know how things go when you’re on a little getaway - aside from the typical writing, you go on tours, visit museums, find the local hotspots for food and drinks. I love any cities in Europe because of the many cafes that line the streets. Perfect for quiet time, conversation and people watching. It’s also the best time to take yourself away from yourself. What do I mean by this? Well, you know when you are constantly over-thinking about everything in your life and can’t get a direction or answer? When you start doing that, that’s when you need to take yourself away from yourself.

We all get ourselves in a tizzy about things in our lives and we over focus on it. So much so that we don’t see what is in front of us at that moment. We forget being in the present moment; forget to be grateful for that time. I crave this opportunity and when I’m in it - I’m just there without any precondition expectation; just being. When I’m in this space, I let go. I let go of people who have come across my life and send them a blessing of happiness and joy; I let go of old friends with whom I haven’t seen in a long time and send them wishes of success and love; I let go of past experiences especially the hurtful ones because I know these were learning times; I let go of my own personal choices and thank myself for these choices because I know there gifts and lastly, I let go of thoughts of non-deserving, thoughts of non-confidence building, thoughts of low self-esteem and send them away. Our lives constantly cycles and we need to learn to go with it, but also know that we have the courage, strength and creativity to take charge of each of our destinies.

As I write, I’m realizing that there are greater things ahead and I need to prepare. There are greater things for you too. So, get out of the way of yourself.

Discovering a New Adventure: Portugal and Spain, August 2018


And six weeks later, after a fantastic trip with girlfriends to Paris, I'm off to Portugal and Spain along the Duoro river for 10 days (12 including travel days) of adventure. Working mainly and observing logistics and processes, but it was also coupled with site touring and history learning.  So much to tell on how I even got here. The heavens and the Universe have certainly conspired to place me here.

The lead up to the trip was fascinating unto itself, but I didn't do too much for the prep.  An entire team was responsible for the event.  All I had to do really is show up and my portion of work happened onsite.  The venue was held on a river cruise boat called the Duoro Serenity, one of the fleet for the Duoro Azul;  traveling on the Duoro River (instead of by train, cars, bus/coach). It's basically having a luxury hotel taking you to the areas of interest and holding the meetings onboard whilst traveling to the next destination.  And honestly, it was AWESOME!

If you haven't experienced a river boat cruise before, you're definitely in for a great surprise and a treat!  Unlike the large cruise ships that holds 3000 passengers, the river boat ships,  at maximum, will hold only 140-160 passengers (and that includes the crew and staff of approximately 40).  It's very exclusive.  I definitely will do it again - this October/November 2018.

This is now one of my new realities as I pivot towards a new profession.  Not only am I now the CEO and Managing Partner for a company I co-own, but I am now also the Chief Education Officer for CME River Conferences.  This group is focused on providing core competency programs for medical professionals obtain their CE credits but held in unique venues like river boats. To learn more go to:  https://healthymdcme.com.


The Art of Re-invention: Pivot to a New Direction


I'm not one to do a complete overhaul of myself on an annual basis.  I do, however, like to sit down every year, in the early morning hours of Christmas day or New Year's day, before the hustle and bustle of the day, to reflect on the year behind and the year forward.   

It's not a task of writing New Year's resolutions since we never truly honor those, but rather, an opportunity to allow ourselves to re-invent areas that are not working or continue to improve those that we know moves us towards what we want to achieve.  I find these re-inventions have been in process for awhile and every year, I need to add to them to continue the momentum.  Although sometimes, it's a complete pivot of direction (again, intuitively already knowing the direction).

2017 was a huge pivot year for me - and have noticed a few other women I know have had the same pivot - all of us re-inventing our professional life; a pivot that turned the direction of what I know and feel to be something of great purpose.  It was an unnerving, fearful stage yet feeling  excitement, hunger and creative.   How we got here is of no importance because we probably all knew we were meant to be here now - a lesson in being present.  Three main points I'd like to share and make:

1) Embrace the pivot and the re-invention;  harness your strength, courage, skills, talents you've gained through the years and use them now.  It's your toolbox - use them!

2) That hunger, excitement and creative energy you are feeling is what it is all about.  The fire you're feeling in your belly ignites the resiliency you have to invent, design, develop the reality you want for your self and for others.  New ideas are always forming - be a part of the group that are making these new ideas happen and with open arms, allow yourself to join new circles and allow new individuals outside of your circles come in to yours. 

3) Honor your past and be grateful for the people that were in the realities of your past.  Understand, that your pivoting allows for others to pivot too - and some pivot in the direction you left vacant.  You've just made room for another to grow too.  

2018 is going to be a tremendously impactful year for us re-inventors; so eat your wheaties!

Here's to a new year full of successes and fulfilling endeavors!  2018 here we come!