
The Art of Re-invention: Pivot to a New Direction


I'm not one to do a complete overhaul of myself on an annual basis.  I do, however, like to sit down every year, in the early morning hours of Christmas day or New Year's day, before the hustle and bustle of the day, to reflect on the year behind and the year forward.   

It's not a task of writing New Year's resolutions since we never truly honor those, but rather, an opportunity to allow ourselves to re-invent areas that are not working or continue to improve those that we know moves us towards what we want to achieve.  I find these re-inventions have been in process for awhile and every year, I need to add to them to continue the momentum.  Although sometimes, it's a complete pivot of direction (again, intuitively already knowing the direction).

2017 was a huge pivot year for me - and have noticed a few other women I know have had the same pivot - all of us re-inventing our professional life; a pivot that turned the direction of what I know and feel to be something of great purpose.  It was an unnerving, fearful stage yet feeling  excitement, hunger and creative.   How we got here is of no importance because we probably all knew we were meant to be here now - a lesson in being present.  Three main points I'd like to share and make:

1) Embrace the pivot and the re-invention;  harness your strength, courage, skills, talents you've gained through the years and use them now.  It's your toolbox - use them!

2) That hunger, excitement and creative energy you are feeling is what it is all about.  The fire you're feeling in your belly ignites the resiliency you have to invent, design, develop the reality you want for your self and for others.  New ideas are always forming - be a part of the group that are making these new ideas happen and with open arms, allow yourself to join new circles and allow new individuals outside of your circles come in to yours. 

3) Honor your past and be grateful for the people that were in the realities of your past.  Understand, that your pivoting allows for others to pivot too - and some pivot in the direction you left vacant.  You've just made room for another to grow too.  

2018 is going to be a tremendously impactful year for us re-inventors; so eat your wheaties!

Here's to a new year full of successes and fulfilling endeavors!  2018 here we come!